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130219 HyunA goes pantless with Hyunseung for ‘K-Wave’

Written By Regina Kim on Tuesday, February 19, 2013 | 6:34 PM

HyunA threw off her pants for the KBS magazine ‘K-wave‘.

The 4minute rapper did what she does best – combine sex appeal and innocence for her trademark brand of sexy-cute. She forewent pants for the photo shoot and donned a large men’s button-up instead, creating the perfect mood for every fan’s dream.

Sadly, those dreams were interrupted by Hyunseung. The B2ST member lent his shoulder to HyunA for the photo shoot’s “new couple” concept. Even though it’s been over a year since “Troublemaker“, the pair are still a hot commodity. Considering how comfortable they look together, maybe they’re actually dating?

130219 4minute’s Gayoon flashes her green eyebrows for ‘Nylon’ spring pictorial

4minute‘s Gayoon did her first solo fashion photo shoot for the March issue of Nylon. The idol modeled four different styles of makeup for the upcoming spring season.

The pictorial shows Gayoon incorporating 2YOON‘s country girl concept with her earthy headband, laid back denim jacket, and neutral colored dresses. As a fashionista herself, Gayoon made sure to make the pictorial her own by acting as the visual director for the photo shoot. Her green eyebrows especially left an impression among fans.


Gayoon shared, “This is my first time doing a solo fashion pictorial. Although photo shoots are still difficult and unfamiliar to me, I think I’m discovering new sides of my face. It’s fun.”

Nylon’s editor commented, “She has smooth, glowing, porcelain-like skin, so she can pull off any kind of makeup. Whenever the cameras flash, her expressions change as well.”

Gayoon will be joining her 4minute members on stage for the ‘2013 United Cube Concert‘ on the 21st. 2YOON will also be wrapping up their promotions for “24/7” next week.

130219 HyunA spotted attending her brother’s graduation ceremony

Despite her busy schedule, 4minute‘s HyunA made sure to attend her younger brother’s Elementary graduation ceremony.

On February 19, photos of HyunA attending her younger brother’s graduation surfaced on an online community site, grabbing the attention of both fans and netizens.

The shared photos showed the singer posing with her mother and younger brother for a family photo while dressed in a vintage denim jacket and pair of black jeans with a scarf.

Netizens responded to the photos leaving comments like, “Even though she’s busy, she still managed to attend her brother’s graduation“, “HyunA and her younger brother must have a bit of an age gap“, and “I wish I was her younger brother.“

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